I have been blogging here for several years mainly on Canadian and international affairs. Now I also blog at CommentIndia.com on matters relating to India and international issues.

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Our new Iraq mission: An appeal to reason or a moralising swipe at our allies?

In announcing Canada's new policy Prime Minister Trudeau has argued for "reason" in the war against ISIL. He forgets that the world couldn't reason with Hitler and Mussolini. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and his beheaders are beyond reason. Hitler took over an existing state and wreaked havoc on the world. Abu...
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2890 Hits

Are we becoming numb & mere spectators to terror?

The world's reaction to lifeless Alan Kurdi lying face down on the Turkish coast pricked the conscience of a world increasingly indifferent to the plight of the 'other'. The refugees fleeing Assad and ISIS who hadn't entered the consciousness of the world suddenly catapulted into the headlines. Overnight most in...
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2997 Hits

Europe's fast shrinking welcome mat for refugees!

The welcome mat initially rolled out by Chancellor Angela Merkel for the Iraqi and Syrian refugees has suddenly shrunk. Like most observers I too had understood the Chancellor to provide a permanent refuge for those fleeing violence at the hands of the Syrian dictator Assad, ISIS and others. In the...
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3162 Hits

Four questions for PM Trudeau as Parliament resumes!

For close to three years I have been writing blogs at ujjaldosanjh.org critical of many things including Mr Trudeau and the Liberal Party since before the last election that I am happy he won. I had written pieces critical of Mr Harper when he was the Prime Minister. I remember...
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2938 Hits

Anaemic on Jihadi terror 'Canada is back'!

In the week that Canada lost seven Canadians to Jihadi terrorists' war on all civilization we watched the inevitable consequence of our dithering on the Iraq  bombing mission. Canada was ignored, not counted in, by those that are playing a significant role in the mission against ISIS. Canada was left...
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3657 Hits

Mr Trudeau, cancel the arms deal with Saudi Arabia - the font of terror!

The inking of the arms deal with Saudi Arabia by Harper government was a triumph of realpolitik over Canada's international human rights obligations. Saudi Arabia has one of the worst human rights records in the world. It has just beheaded 47 people including a peaceful activist Shiite Cleric. The deal...
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4567 Hits

Prime Minister Trudeau, make Canada a poverty free country!

"I didn't understand this could happen in a developed country" said Marisa Ziyapapa who is originally from Zimbabwe. He lives in downtown Yellowknife. He was talking about the prevalence of poverty and homelessness in Canada and our deficient response to them. "They just think you are an alcoholic, just a...
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3408 Hits

The silencing of the white men of the West!

Sadly, political correctness afflicts much of the world; in particular the Western world. At its inception in the counterculture of the sixties and beyond it was a force for good. It moved us to examine our hatreds, prejudices, values and words. It reminded the British and the French that their...
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28401 Hits

Don't change Canada's electoral system without parliamentary unanimity or a national referendum!

Justin Trudeau the leader of the Liberal Party promised 2015 will be the last election fought on the current first past the post system. Prime Minister Trudeau says "you have to make choices at one point". And his choice is to have an all party parliamentary committee make recommendations in...
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7402 Hits

A fair, just, egalitarian and inclusive Canada will not long survive ghettos!

Something disturbing is afoot in the land of my children and grandchildren- the country we proudly call our home and native land - Canada. I have previously warned that Canada is increasingly tending toward living in ghettos; they are ghettos of different values aided and abetted by different languages; often...
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4213 Hits

Letter to the minister of immigration (Canada) on the impending deportation of Len Van Heest

Dear John, I know you would forgive me, your friend and former colleague for taking the liberty of addressing you by your first name. I write this open letter to you because "A 57-year old man who immigrated to Canada as a baby is on the verge of being deported...
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5850 Hits

Sonia Gandhi! If not afraid of anybody, why did your MPs shut down Parliament?

For me the details of the National Herald case are immaterial. Subramanian Swamy as a private citizen launched this case when UPA still ruled at the center. Sonia Gandhi can allege publicly or privately and it may be true that Swamy on his own or indirectly at the BJP's behest...
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3148 Hits

COP21: A Cop Out?

COP21: A Cop Out! Note: I just deleted the couple of "F" words to sanitize and civilize the discussion. It was improper for me to use them. Raining on anyone's parade for the signing of 'balanced' and 'ambitious' COP21 is not my intent. But self deception can be deadly and...
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3868 Hits

You ain't no American, bruv Furor Trump!

Donald Trump the demagogue in the proto fascist state of degeneration has "called for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States of America until our country can figure out what is going on..." He has previously argued for compulsory registration of all Muslim Americans. He has...
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2773 Hits

If bombing ISIS is right, why is it wrong for Canada?

The most difficult question the leader of a nation ever has to contend with is whether to take his/her country to war or to keep it in one that may already be raging such as the one against ISIS. That is why I was disappointed in the throne speech not...
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4461 Hits

Silence or near silence on intolerance ill behooves India's Prime Minister!

The intolerance being felt in the country is a serious threat to the idea of India. So is Prime Minister Modi's silence or near silence about it. Recently my mind focussed on what it meant to be Indian- above and beyond the intolerance debate - when in answering a question...
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3102 Hits

Hang Ujjal Dosanjh For Treason Before Charging Aamir Khan With Sedition!

Some people were critical of Aamir's sharing of his innermost fears for India, the country of his birth, love and life; a country or the critics he has no intention of fleeing. Amir shared his pain and anxiety about the "disquiet...despondency" abroad the land of India. For that he has...
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4359 Hits

Unattached Straight Male Syrian Refugees: Potential Terrorists All?

That is the most shocking message from an otherwise sound Syrian refugee plan of the government of Canada. Despite the earlier assurances of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, the Canadian Border Services Agency and the RCMP that they are capable of doing the appropriate security checks on all potential refugees...
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3474 Hits

Premier Wynne, Did You Just Call Me A Racist And A Xenophobe?

Yes, You Did! Did I take it personally? Yes. I took it personally on behalf of 67% Canadians who disagree with the year end deadline imposed by the Canadian government to bring 25000 Syrian refugees into the country. I was shocked to read your comments in "We Can't Allow 'Security...
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17795 Hits

Attacks on Mosques and Muslims! Not in My Name, Not in My Canada!

Invaded by hate Paris burnt! For victims of terror In Paris And Across the world We resolved to fight And Shed tears!   Outside an elementary school A Muslim mother picking up her children Assaulted Not in my children's name! Not in my Canada!   Two Muslim women Accosted and...
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3723 Hits