I have been blogging here for several years mainly on Canadian and international affairs. Now I also blog at CommentIndia.com on matters relating to India and international issues.

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Nice, France attacked by truck terror!

A terror attack has just happened in Nice, France. It reminds me of the self radicalised Martin Rouleau attack on a Canadian soldier in Quebec. The Nice attack is so far said to have killed 73 people. The death toll could go higher, according to various reports. We should all...
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2251 Hits

Mohandas to Mahatma to Modi!

During his recent visit to South Africa Prime Minister Modi retraced the footsteps of Mahatma Gandhi by boarding a railway carriage at Pentrich and disembarking at Pietermaritzburg where Gandhi was ejected from the train for refusing to move to a non first class cabin; and he reminded us that the...
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2076 Hits

Our 'magnificent' world through the eyes of our children!

Some days ago I made a speech to the students of the City University of Seattle in Canada, graduating with masters, some in education and others in counselling. I have made hundreds of speeches in my lifetime, some of them to graduating classes at various educational institutions. For the latest...
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2907 Hits

The anniversary of Air India flight 182: Are we any better equipped today to deal with home grown terror?

It is June 23rd today; exactly 31 years to the day Air India flight 182 was downed by self radicalised home grown Canadian terrorists. I was reminded of it as I boarded a flight to Toronto this AM. It was the date on the newspaper in my hand that triggered...
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2554 Hits

The Toronto Launch of my autobiography: Journey After Midnight

Some friends in Toronto have kindly organised a launch of my bestselling autobiography: Journey after midnight. It is happening on June 26th from 12:00-15:00 in Mississauga at Pearl Banquet Hall. Admission is free. Lunch will be served. The book will be available for purchase through a bookstore representative on site....
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2286 Hits

War Veteran Blindheim's nightmare in sunny ways' Ottawa!

The decorated war veteran Petter Blindheim is not being admitted to the hospitals/facilities where other veterans are being cared for. He has been turned down by two different facilities despite there being space to care for him. The Liberal premier of Nova Scotia and Bill Casey one of the Liberal...
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2752 Hits

The Veterans: What happened to the honour of the parliamentarians?

Veterans! we send them to wars and they happily go and risk their lives for us; some never come back. As I write these lines some of our soldiers, veterans of tomorrow, are in the battlefield in Iraq, in harms' way. There they are doing what we have asked them...
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6275 Hits

The scary rise of Donald Trump!

As a citizen of the world, I am frightened for it. The violence continues to dog it bringing out not the best but the worst in some of us. Fanaticism continues its seemingly endless pursuit of freedom to forever stifle it.   Orlando is the latest in the long line...
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3212 Hits

Trump is a xenophobe, racist and a misogynist!

The Trump phenomenon requires us to transition from reality TV to reality. I am afraid Donald Trump has trumped all norms of civility and decency. He doesn't want to answer any normal questions that have been asked as part of the presidential primaries for a long time. He doesn't want...
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2417 Hits

Let's not play the proverbial ostriches for some terror threats!

I write a blog somewhat regularly and do some other writing on politics in India, Canada and occasionally the world. Out of an intense interest in matters political I follow the Canadian, Indian and world news quite religiously. That is why I was shocked to have missed till yesterday the...
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3390 Hits

Great launch of my memoir: Journey After Midnight

Tuesday just gone by we had a very successful launch of my memoir: Journey After Midnight at the UBC Alumni Center. Over 250 people attended the event. The UBC bookstore sold 110 books that evening. And a lot of fun was had by all. It was wonderful to see everyone...
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2411 Hits

My Memoir: Journey After Midnight

As some of you may already know I had been writing a memoir. With a laptop in hand and as a two finger typist it took me a year and a half to produce a first draft of close to 300,000 words. I knew it was way too long. Chris...
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2802 Hits

Female foeticide continues to dog the Indian diaspora

Note: In view of the news report in today's Globe & Mail (April 24, 2017) on gender selection among immigrants from India, I thought it might be useful to share with the readers what I had written over a year ago. Unfortunately not much has changed in this regard. And...
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3169 Hits

Blurring the line between church and state is unwise!

On May 18 Prime Minister Trudeau is going to apologise in the House of Commons to the "Sikh community" for what the government of Canada did to the Indian passengers -- Sikhs, Muslims and Hindus of the Komagata Maru in 1914. He made this promise at the recent Vaisakhi religious...
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3277 Hits

Canada needs to be back-- for the persecuted European Roma!

Canada and EU are on a collision course regarding visa requirements for Romanians and Bulgarians travelling to Canada. Unless Canada removes the visa requirement by Tuesday April 12, 2016 EU is threatening to impose a visa for Canadians travelling to EU. But it is interesting that the news reports about...
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2420 Hits

Attorney General Wilson-Raybould should cancel the Toronto fundraiser!

Since retiring from electoral politics I have been commenting on Canadian, Indian and international politics. I have refrained from writing too much or too critical of the Trudeau government, I have criticised it on some issues. While I happily remain a Laurier Club member of the Liberal Party I have...
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3369 Hits

Could what happened in Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Lahore, Pakistan happen in India?

Unfortunately it could if India and its governments aren't careful. And I don't mean Pakistani terrorists from across the border which unfortunately has been quite common or local Muslims who have only occasionally engaged in it. I actually mean elements of the Hindu population doing to Indians what Pakistani Taliban...
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2726 Hits

Is a Paris/Brussels possible in Canada?

Once again ISIS has struck deep in the heart of Europe -- in Brussels, the headquarters for the European Union. The ISIS inspired and sponsored terrorism is a clear and present threat to Western Europe and North America -- a threat made more likely and heinous because of a population...
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3314 Hits

No justice in Canada for Jassi Sidhu's murder in India!

The decision of the British Columbia Court of Appeal in the Jassi Sidhu murder case to not extradite to India her mother and maternal uncle to face murder charges has left me angry -- an angry Indian and an angry Canadian. The court of appeal rested its rejection of the...
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3878 Hits

Kurdistan, Khalistan, Canada and India!

Canada's training of Kurdish military may have the consequence that the government of Canada has told the Kurds it doesn't support: the ultimate breakup of Iraq and the establishment of an Independent Kurdistan that Iraq or Turkey won't support. But the Kurds have proven far more effective an ally in...
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4326 Hits