I have been blogging here for several years mainly on Canadian and international affairs. Now I also blog at CommentIndia.com on matters relating to India and international issues.

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Resolution 2015: Let's Build a Corruption Free India!

I have made a resolution for the New Year; Resolution 2015: To fight to build a corruption free India. I have lived outside of India since December 31, 1964, first in England and since May, 1968 in Canada. I have led an active political life in Canada. I am now...
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3753 Hits

In The New Year: Peace On Earth!

Throbbing in the billions of year end greetings of Happy Hanukhah, Merry Christmas is the rousing collective wish of our hearts for peace on earth. We express the same wish implicitly and explicitly at other times too when we wish Eid Mubarak, Happy Diwali and any number of other greetings...
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4199 Hits

No Taliban Without A Pakistan! First Peshawar, Now Lahore!

Note: I had written this piece in horror at the Peshawar school massacre at the hands of the Taliban. The attack on the children, men and women in a Lahore Park is a further evidence of the horror men are capable of unleashing on other human beings in the name...
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12520 Hits

So Long Jean Beliveau!

Jean Beliveau the gentle giant of Canada, the Canadian hockey legend is no more. My brother and I came to Canada in 1968. Our father and the two sisters joined us in 1969. My brother and I had played field hockey for our High School in India. We were the...
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2973 Hits

Stop The Excuses:Build A Corruption Free India!

Three days ago I read a story in the Times of India (Times) about two students, twelve and eleven year old Aniket Bhoir and Monali Adari of Ambika Nagar, Bhawindi, India. They are from poor families. Aniket's parents are what the Times called daily wage labourers meaning low wage unskilled...
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4870 Hits

In The Dying Declaration of Eric Garner: I Can't Breathe

In The Words of Eric Garner: I Can't Breathe. Eric Garner died in an illegal New York police choke hold. He wasn't a gangster. He was a petty criminal. He was suspected of selling loose cigarettes and not paying tax on them. Thousands of white collar criminals in Canada, US...
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3020 Hits

Alberta's Moment Of Reckoning: Equality For Gay And Straight Youth!

Alberta is facing a moment of reckoning. No, it is not about the oil sands or pipelines. Nor is it about the Gateway or Energy East. Those issues are important. They are about money and taxes, but only about money and taxes. What Alberta is facing is lot more fundamental....
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3393 Hits

What Next For Me?

As a child when one begins to be aware of one's own existence and that of the world around, it also dawns on the baby being that individual life has an end. I remember consciously thinking about life in years and decades in two different centuries, 19th and 20th, at...
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5358 Hits

Zehaf-bibeau was a Terrorist!Period!!

The murders of two unarmed Canadian soldiers Patrice Vincent and Nathan Cirillo within a short 72 hour period by Jihadists/terrorists have shocked Canadians. Unfortunately this is not the first time Canada has had to confront terrorism. The FLQ kidnappers and murderers, Air India bombers and the Toronto 18 were all...
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3939 Hits

We Must Criminalise glorification and Encouragement of Terrorism!

Note: When I wrote the following piece it was not absolutely clear that Michael Zehaf-Bibeau had killed and attacked the House of Commons for ideological reasons. Now from the video he left the RCMP indicated he said he did so for political and ideological reasons. That is terrorism pure and...
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4425 Hits

Canada is Losing the Values War!

The dreaded happened in St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, a quiet historic town in Quebec. Many years ago I stayed there for a couple of weeks trying unsuccessfully to learn French. When I walked the streets in the town looking for a good pub or an eatery people smiled at me and at each...
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3350 Hits

The Nobel Committee's "Important Point" Escapes me. Nonetheless Congrats to Malala and Kailash!

                                     Congratulation are in order for the recipients of this year's Nobel Peace Prize Malala Yosufzai, the campaigner for girls' education and Kailash Satyarthi the campaigner for children's rights to be free from...
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2601 Hits

President Obama, Remember Our "Never Again" pledge and Save Kobani!

While the world endlessly debates whether or not the air strikes alone would be sufficient in stemming the advance of ISIS the verdict is already crystal clear: the air strikes alone will not succeed against ISIS. Kobani is under siege. Turkey stands ready to not lift a finger to help...
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3687 Hits

ISIS Butchers at the Gates of Kobane

Turkey fiddles, US and allies bomb, UN sleeps while brave women, children and men of Kobane fight for survival as ISIS threatens their very existence. Tukey's president Erdogan had promised it won't be allowed to happen. His Turkish tanks arrayed across the border in Turkey remain motionless as if they...
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5467 Hits

Arbutus Corridor:Some Questions For The Province Of BC and CPR

I have a question or two for CPR with respect to the right of way given it by British Columbia by way of a grant from the Provincial Crown. I have not been able to access the original document. I am assuming the grant was not for money but to...
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3118 Hits

Jody Wilson Raybould : Federal Liberal Candidate for the New Riding of Vancouver Granville

Last night I was present along with a couple of hundred other people to see Jody Wilson Raybould acclaimed as the Liberal Party of Canada candidate for the newly created riding of Vancouver Granville. She is a lawyer, former prosecutor, former chair and member of the BC Treaty Commission and...
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4043 Hits

Unbreakable:The Ujjal Dosanjh Story, Launch of his book by Douglas P. Welbanks

Author Douglas P. Welbanks is launching his latest book Unbreakable:The Ujjal Dosanjh Story Tuesday, August 5th 7:00-8:30PM Alma Van Dusen & Peter Kaye Rooms, Lower Level, Central Library, 350 West Georgia St. Vancuver, BC. Admission is free. Seating is limited. Doug, my wife Raminder and I have known each other...
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3565 Hits

Liberals May Need To Be Ready For The New Harper!

 It seems to me PM Harper may be beginning to change to his new incarnation he wants to present to Canadians in the next election. I say so because against type for the first time he has appointed someone who was extremely critical of his government on the environment and...
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3653 Hits

The Congress Of The Freedom Movement Of India Must Free Itself From The Dynastic Slavery!

From afar I have been watching with interest the dance the Congresswalas are engaged in. Eminently qualified or not to hold their positions most have shied away from criticising their patrons Sonia and Rahul. Some in the states that may have been appointed to run in elections because they brought...
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2381 Hits

Mulayam & Akilesh Yadav : Go! For the Sake of Women of India, Go!!

I had decided not to blog during India's carnival of democracy. Not that most days I wasn't dying to express my opinion. It was hard to not do so though my better sense prevailed. I had no personal or ideological axe to grind and sitting in the comfortable environs of...
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2854 Hits