I have been blogging here for several years mainly on Canadian and international affairs. Now I also blog at CommentIndia.com on matters relating to India and international issues.

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An Open Letter UBC President Santa J. Ono Regarding Academic Freedom

An Open Letter to the President of UBC Santa J. Ono sent via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Dear President Ono, It saddens me that University of British Columbia has cancelled this year’s Harjit Kaur Sidhu  Memorial Program in which the journalist Hartosh Singh Bal, the political editor at Caravan magazine, was scheduled to...
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3000 Hits

A Letter To Chief Justice Bobde Regarding Republic Day Violence At Red Fort

Dear Chief Justice Bobde, It is with profound sadness and concern I write to you about what transpired on January 26 th , 2021 at the Red Fort, Delhi. It is quite evident from the publicly available information that the disturbance at the Red Fort was caused by rogue elements...
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5041 Hits

India! Fair Comment On Matters Of Public Interest Isn't Contempt Of Court!

Once recognised as an important court of the last resort in the Commonwealth the Supreme Court of India has recently been in the news for all the wrong reasons: Convicting the prominent Indian lawyer Prashant Bhushan of contempt of court for penning two tweets mildly critical of the court that...
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4087 Hits

Accomplice in Rohingya Genocide Suu Kyi Defiantly Struts in The Hague While The World Unashamedly Looks the Other Way

Aung San Suu Kyi, the head of the government that has been accused of crimes against humanity in the cruelties perpetrated on the Rohingya population of the country, is in the Hague to defend her government before the International Court of Justice [ICJ] against the most serious allegations of genocide...
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3988 Hits

Modi: The Exceptional Prime Minister

In the pantheon of India's Prime Ministers, something about Narendra Modi makes him an exceptional Prime Minister. Understanding his uniqueness requires a review the regime he has given India. In 2014 Mr Modi burst upon the national political scene like a tornado promising what he presented as a new way...
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4411 Hits

Khalistani Extremism:How Pandering Politicians Undermine Canada's Intelligence Agencies !

The recently released 2018 Public Report on the Terrorism Threat to Canada [Report] lists the following threats: Sunni Islamist Extremism, Right Wing Extremism, Sikh (Khalistani) Extremism, Shia Extremism and Canadian Extremist Travellers. It clearly states the undeniable fact that "Some individuals in Canada continue to support Sikh (Khalistani) extremist ideologies...
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65786 Hits

Resumption of blogging

Dear Readers Best wishes for a happy 2019. After a break of several months I am about to resume blogging.  After finishing and publishing my autobiography Journey After Midnight in 2016 I have been writing another book--if it ever gets done. Although from time to time I have been making...
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3554 Hits

Impeach The Treasonous Trump!

When Donald Trump was elected President of the United States of America, paraphrasing the old "Manchurian Candidate", I wrote of him as a "Russian President of USA"...who shall.. " always remain illegitimate ". His disgraceful and despicable performance in Helsinki has unfortunately proven my assessment to be correct. Acting as...
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3846 Hits

The Silent World Must Hang Its Head in Shame: Five New Rohingya Mass Graves Found in Mayanmar!

Since I wrote my last blog on the plight of Rohingya on January 28th, the Vancouver Sun of February 2, 2018 has reported The Associated Press confirming "the existence of five new Rohingya mass graves." This is further evidence, if any was needed, of the "systematic slaughter of the persecuted...
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4592 Hits

Canada & The World Must Confront The Butchers of Mayanmar!

In Mayanmar violent attacks on Rohingya Muslims continue unabated. In December 2017 Canada's special envoy Bob Rae had issued his interim report on the situation. His ability to provide a meaningful final report will depend on whether he is granted free and fair access to the Rakhine State and whatever...
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4431 Hits

Donald Trump Needs To Go Or Be Impeached!

Donald Trump needs to go. Americans simply need to have the courage to impeach him and /or have the courage to otherwise force him to abdicate. He is a vicious man-child dangerous for the US and the world.  These are all the articles I have written to-date about Donald Trump....
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4769 Hits

Raminder Dosanjh's Letter to The Minister of Justice On The Extradition of Accused In Jessi Sidhu's Murder

An Open Letter to Minister Wilson-Raybould, Dear Minister, With great dismay I read the news that the extradition of the two Canadians accused in Jassi Sidhu's murder approved by the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) has been, albeit temporarily, halted by the B C Court of Appeal. The muddled circumstances...
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5518 Hits

Aung San Suu Kyi: Mayanmar's Brutal Dictators' Handmaid

Despite being woefully belated in speaking up on the tragedy faced by the Rohingya, Prime Minister Trudeau deserves praise for his telephone call and letter to the de facto Mayanmar (Burmese) leader, Nobel laureate and honorary Canadian Aung San Suu Kyi. At least he finally spoke up where many western...
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4855 Hits

Canada/Trudeau Stands Blind Deaf and Mute As Burma/Mayanmar slaughters the Rohingya Muslims!

I have previously written two columns on this site on the persecution of Rohingya by the Burmese/Mayanmar military dictatorship that obviously remains intact, despite the Nobel Laureate Aung San Suu Qi being the head of the so called democratically elected government. The first was " The Nobel Committe Must Strip...
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7530 Hits

Canada Must Retool the National Inquiry into the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls!

The national inquiry into the Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) had been demanded for some time; there had been calls for such an inquiry for many years. I had become aware of the issue of missing and murdered indigenous women in the mid nineties, when I served...
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5253 Hits

Trump: A Russian Stooge as President of USA!

It is sad, almost tragic, that Americans haven't woken up to the possibility, nay even the fact, that Donald Trump might have been a "Russian Candidate" for the US presidency; and that he may now be the Russian President of the USA. All that we have heard over the past...
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5175 Hits

Rohingya, the Persecuted Muslim Minority of the Majority Buddhist Mayanmar Needs Canada to Speak UP!

If one asked about the violent hot spots in the world, even a reasonably well informed Canadian would usually think of the Middle East and Africa. Very few would mention Burma, now officially known as Mayanmar, as a serious concern despite there being a large scale ethnic cleansing underway with...
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5606 Hits

Was It RCMP's Racism That Expelled Dayton Goree From The Trudeau Event?

Many of us had been watching with horror the United Airlines brutally dislodging a passenger from his seat and mercilessly dragging him through the aisle and off the plane, all to allegedly make space for their own employees in a flight the United says was oversold by them. Why did...
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5658 Hits

The Government Must Make the Canadian Armed Forces' Ombudsman an Officer of Parliament!

Canadians depend on the men and women of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) to defend us at home and abroad. In dangerous times they are prepared, if need be, to die protecting us. That is why it was disheartening and not at all good news to hear the Canadian Forces...
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5660 Hits

Mr. Trudeau Beware, The Arrogance of Power Can Befall Any Government!

With the passage of time arrogance tends to afflict many governments democratically elected by a population yearning to replace uncaring or autocratic regimes with more caring and empathetic ones that might listen more and dictate less. In its dying days, if not long before then, the Harper government had become...
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6313 Hits