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The US Mexicans have questions for Trump?
By Ujjal Dosanjh on Thursday, 25 August 2016
Category: politics

The US Mexicans have questions for Trump?

Donald Trump is a bigot who ran his US Primary campaign saying things that he thought would endear him to the racist elements in the US Republican base endlessly nurtured by the likes of the Birther movement spear headed by Trump racistly questioning the US birth, citizenship and Christian religion of the first black President Barrack Obama.

Trump vanquished his Republican challengers, one by one, by unleashing hate against the Mexican immigrants to the US who may not have met all the legal requirements of the US immigration at the time they entered the country. He stoked racist fires at any opportunity that came his way. He railed against an American born, raised, educated Judge of Mexican heritage casting aspersions on his ability to objectively do the judging because he was a Mexican. He called Mexicans entering the USA "rapists and murderers." His signature policy was to build a wall on the border with Mexico and establish a deportation force to deport over 11million 'illegal' Mexicans in the US. He also promised to ban all Muslims entering the US until he figured out "what the hell was going on?"

After defeating his Republican challengers with the Tea Party and Trump inspired racism and xenophobia against blacks, Mexicans and Muslims, he now seems to want to "pivot" to be inclusive of "Hispanics and the African Americans." But he is taunting, not really urging, them to vote for him asking them, "What the hell do you have to lose?"

Most Hispanics and African Americans will not vote for Trump if their life depended on it, precisely because, pivot or no pivot, they know Trump is a racist: he uses racism to divide people to win political support; and Trump cares only for Trump. He will say whatever he thinks will win him the general election in November just as he did in the Primaries.

Why should anybody in their right mind believe anything he says?

The eleven million Mexicans that he so rabidly wanted to deport from the US and all sane Americans have questions for Trump: Trump's grandfather Fredrich Christ Trump came from Germany and entered US in 1885? Did he enter legally? He then immigrated to Canada to make his first fortune running the Arctic Restaurant and Hotel in Bennett, British Columbia. Did he enter Canada legally? He then married his childhood sweetheart Christine from Germany. Did she enter Canada and or the US legally? They then returned to the US, did they do so legally?

Perhaps the US should consider deporting the Donald to Canada or Germany if he can't prove his grandparents to have come to the US completely legally!

Just sayin!
