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Stop Xenophobia in Quebec Government
By Ujjal Dosanjh on Tuesday, 20 August 2013
Category: politics

Stop Xenophobia in Quebec Government


We have been led to believe  the Quebec government is contemplating legislation to ban hijab , turban or a kippa in public institutions. Hijab is a head covering that may extend to the entire female person except the face. The face is visible for all to see. It is not a Niqab or Purda which hides a Muslim woman except for an opening for the eyes. I do not support a Niqab. I would rather not see hijab for women but I am open to that in that I want the first nations of this country to be able to wear their traditional dresses  too if they so choose voluntarily.

 The turban has done no damage to anyone. The sikhs wearing turbans have been part of many societies and both world wars where the commanders did not object to the turban as many turbaned excelled and many  became cannon fodder along with other Indians.

The kippa is new in the targets of the regime in Quebec. I am shocked but not surprised. The latent xenophobia is something we can all fall victim to from time to time if we are not careful. What better target can there be than the forever persecuted Jews? I had the opportunity to go on a trip to Germany , Poland and other places to witness the history of the extermination of the Jews and Roma of Europe in the 1930s and 40s. I shall never forget.

I say to the government of Quebec, pause! Think before you act. The society in Canada has come a long way from the 30s and 40s. This is  new Canada. Let us usher in the 22nd century before others do rather than reverting to the mid 20th century. The world needs Canada and Quebec but not the Quebec  Parti Quebecois is contemplating. It will be disgrace for the whole of Canada. Please stop it. Stop it before it is too late!!