For close to three years I have been writing blogs at critical of many things including Mr Trudeau and the Liberal Party since before the last election that I am happy he won. I had written pieces critical of Mr Harper when he was the Prime Minister. I remember criticising him in support of an inquiry into missing and murdered women in Canada. I knew anything I wrote critical of him would have been seen as was that piece as meanderings of a partisan.

Now there is a government of my Party. I assume the party welcomes criticism from the inside as well. Though I have thought of myself as an outsider from the time I lost the 2011 election in which I didn't want to run as I wanted to retire. The party wasn't doing too well and I ran to help out to the extent I could. The party bombed nationally and provincially polling 13%in BC as opposed to close to 30 % under Paul Martin in 2006 and 18% in 2008 under Dion. I happily retired from electoral politics. I am no longer interested in running in elections. Been there done that. No interest in power; been there and done that too.

 But I haven't retired from life. And as long as I have known myself politics has been part of life- politics as the art of attempting to make life better for people of the country and the world.

I say this for those and particularly the partisans who believe once elected MP or anointed a Minister as member of a political organisation one should be grateful and remain silent for ever to never criticise or speak disapprovingly of the Party's actions.  But as one retires from elections and electoral politics one can't just die and disappear and I don't intend to. Life has been good to me. I am the luckiest kid from the mud houses and the dusty roads of village India to have been able to serve my adopted country Canada and still love and care for the idea of India as a secular, united, progressive and democratic country of the world. I could do that because my mother, grandfather and father toiled to make India a better place understanding that better India will make a better world. I absorbed that lesson early on and believed a better Canada too will make a better world.

So it is in that vein I ask four questions of Mr Trudeau that he may be asked anyway in parliament as it resumes:

1.Tax cuts for Canadians making between $90000 and $200000 would be substantial-over $1400 year but not so much for taxpayers making between $40000and  $90000. For example 1.6 million families making between $48000 and $62000 will benefit by $51/yr while those making between $62000  and $68000 will see a reduction of 117/yr. Why did the government not focus the tax cuts toward the relatively poorer taxpayers as well?

2. Burkina Faso and Indonesia after Paris have shown that ISIS and its affiliates are still lethal. Our allies have let it be known they don't want us to recall our CF18 fighter jets. We have trainers on the ground in Iraq, and planes in the air. Your defence minister has confirmed our allies want to see our fighter jets remain in the skies over Iraq. Why can't Canada be on the ground and in the air fighting ISIS as our allies want?

3. Many of us believe that Canada is better at integrating immigrants and refugees into our country than most countries and particularly Britain and France. Historically true but not today.

Canada has silos you may not have seen or experienced.

Remember Air India? It happened before 9/11; it was our 9/11. It happened from those silos.

We had our Toronto18, Zihaf Bibeau, Martin Rouleau and the CP terror plot; these happened before Charlie Hebdo and the recent Paris attacks.

Talking about ISIS related terror we are not doing any better than France. France has just over 600 French nationals fighting as part of ISIS. Britain's numbers are bad as well. Canada too has over 160 Canadian nationals fighting in the ranks of ISIS. Are you concerned that we are not doing a very good job of integrating immigrants into this country?

4. I disagree with your analysis that Canada has no core identity. It does. And new arrivals need to integrate into our society- no not assimilate - becoming part of our core identity and core values. Since technology has slowed integration of the newcomers into adopted homelands, would you as Prime Minister urge immigrants and refugees - and I am on record publicly supporting your decision to open our country to Syrian refugees - to make more efforts to integrate into society  just as Angela Merkel has to the almost million refugees she has welcomed into Germany? And would you provide substantially more funding to the immigrant and refugee serving agencies to facilitate more language training and speed up the process of integration?

Looking forward to the debates in Parliament,
